Minor in Sport Communication

The minor Sport Communication will provide students with the critical understanding and experience in content creation needed to excel in a variety of aspects of the sports industry. In the sport communication minor, students will learn the principles of communication and journalism as they apply to sports-related events, topics, and people. The minor offers courses familiarizing students with the skills and tools needed to produce sport content for a variety of media from broadcasting to digital media, as well as courses that will teach students to function as effective communicators within and for sport organizations. Several courses also offer students the opportunity to develop a critical understanding of the role sport and sport organizations play in larger social processes and issues, including health promotion, issues of equity and equality, and the impact of media images.

Overview of Minor Requirements

  • Minimum number of credits required to earn minor: 18
  • GPA requirements to earn minor: Students graduating with a minor in a CLAS field must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in the courses in the minor field that are credited toward completion of the minor.
  • Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward minor:  C- or higher.
  • Other requirements:  A minimum of 9 credit hours must be completed at the University of Maine.


Core Course Requirements: 2 courses (6 credits)

CMJ 136Journalism Writing and Editing3 credits
CMJ 275Survey of Sport Communication3 credits

Elective Courses (Select 12 credits or four courses from the following list)

CMJ 106Storytelling 3 credits
CMJ 237Journalism Across Platforms4 credits
CMJ 257Business and Professional Communication3 credits
CMJ 261Photographic Reporting and Storytelling3 credits
CMJ 351Audio and Video Production 4 credits
CMJ 367Public Relations3 credits
CMJ 380Advertising, Media and Society 3 credits
CMJ 395
CMJ 495
Student Media Practicum Credits: 1-3
Internship Credits: 1-3
1 – 3 credits
CMJ 420Health Communication3 credits
SPT 355Sport Marketing3 credits

*Students majoring or minoring in any other CMJ program may double-count no more than three credits between the Sport Communication Minor and other CMJ majors and minors.

Minimum number of credits required to earn minor: 18

GPA requirements to earn minor: Students graduating with a minor in a CLAS field must earn a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or better in the courses in the minor field that are credited toward completion of the minor.

Minimum Grade requirements for courses to count toward minor: C-

Other requirements:  A minimum of 12 credit hours must be completed at the University of Maine.

Contact information: Judith Rosenbaum-Andre, Department of Communication and Journalism, 420 Dunn Hall, 207.581.1934; Judith.rosenbaumandre@maine.edu