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Communication and Journalism

Latest Past Events

CMJ Colloquium: “Information Literacy and/as Public Communication”

Dunn Hall Room 424

Lily Herakova (Lecturer, Department of Communication and Journalism, UMaine) & Jen Bonnet (Research Librarian, Fogler Library, UMaine): “Information Literacy and/as Public Communication” This event is part of the University of Maine Department of Communication and Journalism's Fall, 2018 Colloquium.

Graduate School Information Session

Graduate School Information Session: November 15, 2018 The Department of Communication and Journalism will host an information session for students interested in graduate education. Participants will have an opportunity to talk with current graduate students in Communication, as well as with faculty and alumni. Join us for pizza and information on Thursday, Nov. 15, 5:00 […]

Multicultural Community Forum

Bangor Public Library Harlow Street, Bangor

Multicultural Community Forum, November 14, 2018 Communication and Journalism students will present on the topic of learning with difference at the Maine Multicultural Center's Forum Series on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 6 pm in the Bangor Public Library. In the Spring 2018 semester, the students took a part of a CMJ class on Narrative, Performance, and […]

CMJ Colloquium: Graduate Student Lightning Research Talks

Dunn Hall Room 424

 UMaine graduate student lightning research talks: Abby Roche (Ph.D. student, CMJ) & Kaylie Reese (MA student, CMJ): “Data Collection While at Play: How Relationships Between Science and Communities in Practice are Being Reframed through Adventure-based Citizen Science Efforts” Tony Sutton (Ph.D. student, EES): “Reassembling Sustenance Activities: Tracing Associations in Fieldwork between Human and Non-human Actors” […]

CMJ Colloquium: “Politics in the Classroom: Strategies & Opportunities”

Dunn Hall Room 424

Susan Gardner (Director of Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies & The Rising Tide Center, UMaine) and Karen Pelletreau (Center for Teaching and Learning, UMaine): “Politics in the Classroom: Strategies & Opportunities” This event is part of the University of Maine Department of Communication and Journalism's Fall, 2018 Colloquium.

CMJ Colloquium: “Ecocultural Well-being through a Media Studies Lens”

Dunn Hall Room 424

James Spartz (Assistant Professor of Environmental Communication, Unity College): “Ecocultural Well-being through a Media Studies Lens” This event is part of the University of Maine Department of Communication and Journalism's Fall, 2018 Colloquium.

CMJ Colloquium: “A Philosopher and a Physicist Respond to Climate Change in their University Classroom”

Dunn Hall Room 424

Tom Stone (Associate Professor of Mathematics and Physics, Husson University) & Nico Jenkins (Assistant Professor of Ethics and Philosophy, Husson University): “A Philosopher and a Physicist Respond to Climate Change in their University Classroom.” This event is part of the University of Maine Department of Communication and Journalism's Fall, 2018 Colloquium.  

CMJ Graduation Reception

100 Colvin Hall

The Department of Communication and Journalism will host a  celebratory reception for all our 2017 graduates in Estabrooke Hall (please use door near Colvin Hall).  Friends and family invited. Congratulations!

“Clickbait, Fake News, and The Fourth Estate: Why Journalism is More Vital Than Ever”

Wells Conference Center University of Maine, Orono

Washington Post reporters Katie Mettler and Jessica Contrera will visit UMaine at the end of March as this year's visiting journalists for the Alan Miller Fund for Excellence in Communication and Journalism Program.  In addition to attending journalism classes, Mettler and Contrera will give a public talk entitled, "Clickbait, Fake News, and The Fourth Estate: […]

Lambda Pi Eta Induction Ceremony

Wells Conference Center University of Maine, Orono

Lambda Pie Eta is the National Communication Association's Honor Society, celebrating academic excellence in the fields of Communication and Journalism. The University of Maine chapter, Mu Epsilon, will welcome its new members at the 2017 Induction Ceremony, which will, for the first time, include the induction of MA students. We expect approximately 30 new members […]

CMJ Noon Colloquium: “A Shot In The Arm”

Dunn Hall Room 424

“A Shot in the Arm” Joshua Roiland CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Journalism Assistant Professor of Communication and Journalism University of Maine

Mitchell Center Seminar: “From frog fungus to smashed dams; Maine science journalism and the (messed-up) food chain of news”

Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions

From frog fungus to smashed dams; Maine science journalism and the (messed-up) food chain of news Maine is fertile ground for environmental journalists. It’s got marine waters, estuaries and rivers, great ponds and little bogs, rugged peaks and thousands of miles of woodlands. All of these become controversial from time to time, with conflicts over […]

Annual Graduate School Picnic

Stodder Hall

The annual University of Maine Graduate School picnic will be on September 20, 2016 from 4 to 6pm at Stodder Hall.

September 2: Last Day to Add a Class

Dunn Hall Room 424

September 2 is the last day to add a class according to the University of Maine Academic Calendar.

Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation

Dunn Hall Room 424

The Department of Communication and Journalism and the Graduate School of the University of Maine will be holding it's Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation from Monday, August 22 to Friday, August […]

Ph.D. Dissertation Defense: “Communicating Who Knows What in Sustainability Science”

Senator George J. Mitchell Center for Sustainability Solutions

"Communicating Who Knows What in Sustainability Science: Investigating the Role of Epistemology in Science Communication and Engagement" Brianne Suldovsky, Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Communication and Journalism, University of Maine. Advisor: Dr. Laura Lindenfeld, Director, The Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science at Stony Brook University Committee: Dr. Kathleen Bell, Economics, University of Maine Dr. Jennifer […]

Pulitzer Week Event: Jim Sheeler, “Final Salute”

Wells Conference Center University of Maine, Orono

Jim Sheeler was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 2006 for “Final Salute,” his poignant story for the Rocky Mountain News on a Marine major who helps the families of comrades killed in Iraq cope with their loss and honor their sacrifice. The event will be moderated by Captain Sean M. Christensen, Marine Officer Instructor, University […]

Pulitzer Week Event: Kathleen Kingsbury, “Service Not Included”

Wells Conference Center University of Maine, Orono

“Service Not Included”: Talk by Kathleen Kingsbury, Deputy Managing Editor of the Boston Globe, introduced and moderated by Marc Cryer, Director, Bureau of Labor Education, University of Maine.

Pulitzer Week Event: “Why Journalism Matters: The Garrett Brown Story”

Dunn Hall Room 424

Pulitzer Week Event: "Why Journalism Matters: The Garrett Brown Story" Erin Rhoda, Editor, Maine Focus Garrett Brown, a young man from central Maine, opened up his life to BDN editor Erin Rhoda, and the public, by allowing her to follow him for what turned out to be two-and-a-half years. Through some of the hardest times […]

Pulitzer Week Event: Amy Ellis Nutt, “Becoming Nicole”

Wells Conference Center University of Maine, Orono

Pulitzer Week Begins with a visit from Washington Post Science and Health Reporter Amy Ellis Nutt to Orono & Bangor. Nutt, the author of Becoming Nicole (2015), and the winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 2011 for Feature Writing for her series, "The Wreck of the Lady Mary," will speak at an event moderated by […]

CMJ Colloquium: “Derivative Sport: The Journalistic Legacy of David Foster Wallace”

Dunn Hall Room 424

CMJ Colloquium: "Derivative Sport: The Journalistic Legacy of David Foster Wallace" Joshua Roiland, CLAS-Honors Preceptor of Journalism and Assistant Professor, Communication and Journalism University of Maine When the writer David Foster Wallace died in the fall of 2008, he was mourned as “the most brilliant American writer of his generation.” Most of the posthumous praise […]

CMJ Colloquium: “Here and now, there and then: The Psychological Distance of Climate Change Engagement”

Dunn Hall Room 424

Laura Rickard Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture Network (SEANET) & Department of Communication and Journalism University of Maine Despite real and present impacts, climate change remains largely an abstract risk to most people in the U.S. Using a survey with an embedded experiment, this study explores responses to messages about climate “departure dates” by manipulating the spatial […]
